Posts Tagged ‘brittany


Annual Brittany’s Trees Fundraiser

It was back in 2005 when this tradition started in Carol Stream, Illinois, as a dedication to an eight year old girl who had passed away as a result of Long QT syndrome, a SADS condition. A group of neighbors and friends developed Brittany’s Trees in memory of Brittany Valene. By displaying lighted Christmas trees throughout her neighborhood in Carol Stream, IL and surrounding towns, the neighbors increase awareness of the warning signs of SADS and raise funds to further the mission of the SADS Foundation.

On the Saturday following Thanksgiving, Brittany’s neighbors get together to deliver, set-up and light Christmas trees in front yards in Carol Stream and surrounding communities.

For a donation of $35, a group of volunteers will deliver, set-up and light a Christmas tree (6 feet Scotch pine) in your front yard. The only thing homeowners need to provide is an extension cord.

What started as 22 decorative trees in one community for the holidays turned into a national project of over 1,000 trees in over 40 communities.

If you want to participate in this fun activity or if you’re looking for a new tradition for the family, please join us in our Brittany’s Trees fundraiser! For more information please